Colorbond Fencing

Colorbond Fencing

SUBURBAN FENCING install COLORBOND® fencing on a daily basis in the Perth metro area. We offer FREE QUOTES on supply and installation.

Colorbond fencing is backed by Blue Scope Steel

For your peace of mind, Blue Scope Steel guarantees the performance of fencing made from COLORBOND® steel with a 10 year warranty on posts, rail and infill sheets.

Did you know that;

  • Colorbond fencing is generally cheaper than Hardie fence to get installed?
  • Is easy and inexpensive to repair and maintain.
  • Once it's up, there's very little do. Keep an eye on the bottom of the fence to ensure it's clear of soil and garden debris, and give the whole fence an occasional wash down.
  • With no vertical gaps for prying eyes, COLORBOND® fencing is a great privacy screen.
  • Colorbond fencing is also a secure barrier. There are no easy foot or hand holds for climbing, so it helps keep unwanted visitors out and your pets and children in.

Why Choose Colobond Fencing

Colorbond fencing is a great choice for the environment

  • Steel is a 100 percent recyclable material.
  • Also, today's modular steel fencing systems generate very little scrap during installation - and whatever waste material is left over can, of course, be recycled.
  • A fence made from COLORBOND® steel is termite proof, you don't have to apply toxic chemical treatments - good news for your garden and your family's health.
  • Because it's COLORBOND® fencing, you won't be repainting it every couple of years, nor will you have to nail palings back on.
  • It's secure and private